image above by gail pomare
Some days I think I’m absolutely ready to have a baby again. I read articles on breastfeeding and sleep training without shedding any tears, and I actually keep up with the baby trends (leggings and head wraps, please stick around for a while). Tyler and I talk about baby names and birth dates and car seats.
To me it seems like it’s a pretend subject in the far, distant future. We talk about a pretend future baby and a pretend little sibling for Jack to dote on. Some day it will happen, but who really knows when? We’ve still got forever to “wait” for it, right?
I sometimes feel like I’m ready because the cravings are there. I crave those squishy cheeks and chubby thighs. I crave that newborn whimper in the night. I crave those darling dresses and soft, leather baby moccasins.
But when I actually see a newborn, my mind begins to race and my heart starts pounding uncontrollably in my chest. I shudder at the thought of holding, touching, and feeling that baby cradled in my arms. I don’t want to see its tiny toes and clenched fists. I don’t want to see those gas-induced sleepy smiles. I don’t want any of it because it’s yours, and not mine.
Will I feel differently when it’s my own? It sounds strange but I just don’t want to grow another baby where Amelia was. That’s her spot, her territory. I can’t accurately explain it, but to me, it’s hallowed ground in there.
Over the past month, I’ve been desperately trying to find a balance between all of this. I don’t want to raise just one child in this life, but yet I still can’t quite wrap my head around getting pregnant again. I’m so scared I’ll never commit and if I do it will all go wrong. It’s so hard to have faith and have that hope in a plan that’s not your own.
I just can’t quite figure out what I was supposed to be doing with this past year, when I wasn’t raising a second child. I feel like a failure; so many other moms with careers and PhDs and multiple children and have done more than me and my stay-at-home life with one. I’ve decorated bits and pieces of our house, kept too many crumbs from accumulating on the floor, and instituted a plant-based diet: nothing I couldn’t have done without another baby.
I want a baby but I just don’t get that overwhelming feeling of “it’s the right time” yet, and I fear I never will. Do I pray for readiness, to be prepared for another child? Am I ignoring the promptings or pushing them aside? Because Tyler is patient and kind but wants to get this show on the road. (And I get that – I do too.) But I feel guilty that my own internal issues and struggles are the ultimate thing holding us back from the happiness of another child joining our family.
I’m exhausted and so emotionally drained from thinking about all of this. We had a plan, and this wasn’t it. So what do I do now?