Sweet Baby Jack, you are 10 months old now!
Well, as of last Friday. Mama’s a little behind on this milestone. :)
Some of Jack’s favorite things to do are:
- stick his lower lip out (see pictures)
- laugh (as always)
- play with cars and balls
- watch sports
- crawl all over!
- can hold onto the coffee table or crib for a long time by himself (but doesn’t yet know how to pull himself up there or get down gracefully)
- loves to play on the kitchen floor when I cook dinner
- loves to feel the vibration of the dishwasher
- loves to see himself in the reflection of the oven
- babbles dadadadada all day long
- hates the swimming pool but loves the jacuzzi!
- loves to play with his cousin Sadie (3 years old and just as goofy as Jack!)
- plays ball by rolling it back and forth to you (though he’s been doing this for months now)
- can successfully dump every.single.toy out of his toy basket only to crawl away and find that playing under the kitchen table is much more fascinating
- laughs hysterically at me when I tell him “no” (ohhhh boy am I in for it)
- pushes your face to the side so he can see your earrings
He’s still not up on all fours yet (crawling-wise) but can do the quickest army crawl you’ve ever seen. Whenever I leave the room to go grab something, he’s quickly following me on his belly down the hallway. His shirts are wearing out fast because of this!
His daily schedule:
7am wake up, eat breakfast (4 cubes of pureed fruit, add oatmeal) + bottle
morning nap til 10am
play til lunch at 11:30am
lunch (pasta, graham crackers, celery, peanut butter, cheerios, sandwich, banana, leftovers) + bottle
nap til 2pm
play til daddy gets home at 5
dinner (whatever we’re having!)
play til bedtime (7pm) + bottle
Daddy says you’re a little stalker because you follow everyone everywhere. You actually prefer to eat graham crackers rather than throw them on the ground. You love to bang and hit things. We love you, little man!
p.s. any suggestions for getting him to pull up on things? We have a cute wooden walker from Ikea for his first birthday and we thought about giving it to him early, but that’s for walking, not learning to stand. Suggestions of toys for an almost one-year old that won’t pull up on things much?
Save the toy for his birthday- toys with wheels are difficult. I think just provide opportunities for him to want to pull himself up; a snack on a chair, something on the edge of the couch, something hanging over the side of his crib, he’ll get there. So cute, he’s looking more and more like you and Tyler. (before he looked more like Mackenzie). I love his little tongue.
That pouty bottom lip is HILARIOUS!!!