{i’m so proud of him! this class has been brutal for him (it is for everyone, actually…even accounting majors themselves hate this class. when people hear
you’re taking accounting 210, they all say, “oh jeez…i’m sorry. that sucks!
and during spring semester? wow. good luck, man…”)
he’s really worked hard this semester, and progressively done better and better on every test. he’s studied consistently almost everyday for about two hours or more, and taken dozens of quizzes on top of that, and taken
a computer science class at the same time. he deserves an A for sure!
way to go, love! i’m so proud of you!!!}
you’re taking accounting 210, they all say, “oh jeez…i’m sorry. that sucks!
and during spring semester? wow. good luck, man…”)
he’s really worked hard this semester, and progressively done better and better on every test. he’s studied consistently almost everyday for about two hours or more, and taken dozens of quizzes on top of that, and taken
a computer science class at the same time. he deserves an A for sure!
way to go, love! i’m so proud of you!!!}
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